Face Lift Montreal

Face Lift Montreal - Tile


A facelift can reduce sagging skin on the face and neck. Your bone structure, heredity and skin texture all play a role in how many "years" a facelift can "remove" and, to some extent, influence how long it will last. Nevertheless, it is the aim of the procedure to make you look good and, it is hoped, feel good for your age.

Dr. Swift performs a facelift operation one side at a time, working through incisions that are placed in the hairline and then pass in front and behind the ears. The incisions are designed to keep the resultant scars as inconspicuous as possible. In most cases, the surgery is done under local anesthesia along with a sedative to relax you. When necessary, removal of fatty deposits beneath the skin and tightening of sagging muscles are performed. The slack in the skin itself is then taken up and the excess removed. The net effect is to give the face an overall firmer and fresher appearance.

After surgery, you will experience some temporary skin discoloration and perhaps a tightness or numbness in the face and neck. Healing is gradual, so expect to wait several weeks to months before optimal results are achieved. Most of your scars will be hidden within the hairline or within normal lines and creases in front of and behind the ear. The scars can usually be easily concealed by the hair and with the judicious use of makeup.

Since your skin will remain somewhat sensitive for a few months following the surgery, you would be wise to limit sun exposure and protect your skin with a sunscreen. You can wear cosmetics shortly after surgery.

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